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Friday, November 26, 2010

Butter Chicken

Why is it that Butter Chicken has exploded in popularity so much? I see it everywhere and it just so happened to coincide with my own discovery of butter chicken. It's weird.
For those of you unaware, Butter Chicken is a mixture of spices stewed with tomatoes and some kind of dairy product to make a creamy, spicy curry like product in which is served chunks of Tandoori chicken. It is traditionally served with naan (a popular Indian flatbread) and basmati rice.
New York Fries, for instance, now has a Butter Chicken poutine which sounds interesting, but I have an inkling that it might be disgusting. I'm not sure.
The availability of premade spice blends for the sauce is increasing as well, safeway now has no less than 5 different types of mixtures, and other supermarkets (including Co-op and Superstore) have even more.
If you haven't tried it already I would urge you to now, before McDonald puts it on a piece of crispy chicken and makes a Butter Chicken McMini. Though I'm not gonna lie, I'd eat that.
Anyone have any thoughts on this?

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